#130: Creepy Elevators, Serial Killers, and Breaking Writing Rules with Faye Snowden

Writing noir mysteries and stories about killers is a fine balance. You’ve got to build worlds that stay true to the setting while delivering characters that people still want to root for, even if they’re mired in some shady stuff.

Faye Snowden has honed this craft, writing several noir mystery novels, short stories, and poems. Her latest book, A Killing Rain, is the second of a four-part Southern Gothic series.

Faye and I chat about her spookiest experiences, how to create memorable characters, and book marketing techniques that have been the most successful.

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Highlights of our conversation

  • A freaky elevator experience Faye had as a child. (2:56)

  • The first thing Faye ever wrote and why she always daydreamed stories. (4:33)

  • Why Faye enjoys writing stories in a Southern Gothic type of setting. (6:32)

  • Occasions when Faye has realized she’s gone TOO far with her story, and how she knows when she needs to remove a scene or dial it back. (8:19)

  • Whether it’s easier to write an original story or a sequel and some of the work that goes into researching serial killers. (9:53)

  • Why shows like Dexter attempt to make serial killers more palatable. And don’t worry, I will not spoil anything for you. (12:18)

  • How the writing process differs between books and short stories. (13:53)

  • Why book cover design is so important and how Faye’s covers evolved over time. (15:38)

  • Book marketing tactics that have worked and why it’s important to have a team to collaborate together — it truly takes a village. (18:18)

  • The silly writing quirks that Faye and I have. This is why editors are vital! Plus, why it’s okay to break some rules in your writing. (20:36)

  • The top three women Faye admires the most, including Stevie Nicks, Toni Morrison, and Josephine Baker. (25:38)

Where to find Faye Snowden

Learn more about Faye at fayesnowden.com. And here’s a little secret: When her books go on sale, Faye offers many fun giveaways to her newsletter subscribers, so sign up!

You can also follow her on Twitter @faye_snowden.  

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#131: Music Rights, Copyright Claims, and YouTube with Audrey Marshall


#129: Creating Comics, Musical Influences, and Crowdfunding Campaigns with Morgan Quaid