#129: Creating Comics, Musical Influences, and Crowdfunding Campaigns with Morgan Quaid

Do you dig speculative fiction, steampunk horror, and kickass fantasy? Then you're going to be a fan of Morgan Quaid. But even if those genres aren't your favorite, this episode has plenty to help you thrive.

Morgan is a writer of comics, novels, and graphic novels. On top of that, he's a music composer and producer. He's done plenty of creative work, collaborated with great minds, and has tons of experience with crowdfunding campaigns.

If you're in ANY sort of creative field, Morgan shares solid advice throughout the episode. Come along and listen in, won't you?

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Highlights of our conversation

  • How Morgan’s approach to storytelling differs when writing novels, short stories, or comics. (3:45)

  • A look inside the screenplay Morgan recently wrote. (6:37)

  • Morgan’s first foray into comics and the early mistakes he made while learning about the medium. (9:52)

  • The early gap in Morgan’s musical knowledge and why Joe Satriani is his top musical influence. (14:20)

  • The similarity between writing a novel and writing for music. (17:50)

  • Our favorite crowdfunding campaigns and what Morgan has learned about running campaigns on Kickstarter, IndieGogo, Patreon, GoFundMe, or any other platform—including how the financials work. (23:42)

  • How you can make more money as a writer, artist, or any type of creative. (30:45)

  • The crappiest gifts Morgan has ever given or received. (35:16)

Where to find Morgan Quaid

Check out Morgan’s work and get in touch with him at morganquaid.com. You can also grab an advanced reader copy of future books and comics!

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#130: Creepy Elevators, Serial Killers, and Breaking Writing Rules with Faye Snowden


#128: Ways to Grow Your Small Business with Jessi Burg