#184: Listen to This While You Take On the AI Revolution

If you’ve been keeping an eye on things this year, you’ve probably heard about the rise of AI. Artificial intelligence can have some scary implications, such as stealing jobs or impersonating voices to extort money from people over the phone.

While that’s certainly a concern, there are plenty of people out there using AI for good. One of those guys is Gabriel Cowan, the founder of Audio Design Desk. The company uses AI to help make sound design easier, faster, and more efficient when creating movies or other content. Gabriel is also doing some fascinating stuff with AI and education.

We’re talking about ways to improve your sound, the challenges with software design, and how Gabe turned a potentially disastrous live music gig around to win over the crowd.

This episode is also supported by 6 Degrees of Cats! The new season is out now, sharing facts, stories, culture, and history about the mysterious world of felines. There’s a trailer for the season in this episode, and click the link above to check out all the goodies around the show.

Highlights of our conversation

  • Where the idea for Audio Design Desk came from. (3:35)

  • An interesting area of sound design and how that’s different from sound effects — plus, a delightful silent music video for “Dancing in the Street” by David Bowie and Mick Jagger. (6:43)

  • Gabriel’s process for scoring movies, and why JJ Abrams is a great example of someone with a keen detail to sound. (9:03)

  • One of the biggest challenges in software development. (12:27)

  • Why sound is such a critical component in creating content and tips for getting better sound. (14:32)

  • How we can avoid the more dangerous uses of AI in audio. (19:53)

  • Some delightful stories about musician Ry Cooder. (22:57)

  • Gabriel’s worst gig as a musician. (25:51)

  • Why “why” is the most important question to ask. (29:00)

  • Gabriel’s top 3 personal inventions. (32:33)

Where to find Gabriel Cowan

Visit Audio Design Desk to make your next project sound fantastic, check out Makr.ai or send Gabe an email to get in touch.


#185: Listen to This While Sipping on Your Morning Coffee


#183: Listen to This While You Start a Band