#22: Beers, Blogging, and Brand Building with Caitlin and Melanie of 512 Brewed
Melanie and Caitlin from the 512 Brewed Podcast
Few things in life are finer than enjoying good drinks with good company. That’s the spirit behind the 512 Brewed Podcast—Caitlin Johnson and Melanie Demi share some of their favorite craft beers, places to go, and basically serve up an alley-oop for how you can have a good time. Even if the thought of beer makes you run for the hills, there are plenty of goodies in here, from brand building tips to cool artwork.
We also yell at Melanie for never having seen Freaks and Geeks, talk about how to start a podcast, and plan out our strategy for buying Michael Jordan’s mansion. It’s only a cool $14.5 million. Talk about a steal!
Highlights of our conversation include:
Caitlin and Melanie’s first experiences with beer. (2:00)
The inspiration behind the 512 Brewed podcast, and a look behind the scenes of the planning process when the show was just starting out. (7:30)
Caitlin and Melanie also started this podcast during a time of social distancing—they share their setup and why now’s a great time to start podcasting! (10:20)
Melanie gives us the lowdown on Caitlin’s blog, Big World, Small Girl, and Caitlin introduces Melanie’s blog, Three Dogs, One Bar. (12:50)
Some of the surprising things the duo has learned from starting a blog and building a brand on Instagram, including the power of networking and the unique Austin community. (18:06)
The most memorable posts from each of their accounts, and some tips for how to get better Instagram engagement. (20:36)
We explore the ins and outs of the Michael Jordan mansion in Chicago and how outrageous it would be to live there. (25:47)
Some of our favorite craft beer artwork (gotta love those eye-catching cans!) and the power of brand building when getting a business off the ground. (34:20)
The cocktails and drinks that Caitlin and Melanie like to drink when they’re not enjoying some tasty brews. (40:24)
The top breweries in Austin (and beyond) that Melanie and Caitlin recommend visitors check out—go get yourself a good drink once we stop social distancing! (43:25)
What’s next for 512 Brewed?
Stay in touch with the 512 Brewed Hosts on Instagram and check out a new episode every Friday at 512BrewedPodcast.com. You can also view Caitlin’s and Melanie’s blogs—say hello, grab a drink, see a cute dog. What more could you ask for?
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