Creating Plant-Based Desserts with Martin Pamensky of Simply Delish

Here’s a little secret (that is not at all a secret if you’re a regular around here): I have a fairly intense sweet tooth. Chances are you probably do, too. But eating an entire sleeve of Oreos or downing a pint of ice cream, as lovely as it may feel in the moment, isn’t good for us in the long run. These treats are high in sugar and fat and can lead to troubling issues such as diabetes and poor gut health.

With more than three decades in the natural food business, Martin Pamensky knows how being smart about our food choices is beneficial for our overall health. Martin is the founder and CEO of Simply Delish, the world’s first-ever keto-certified, plant-based desserts. The company looks to provide healthy alternatives while raising awareness around America’s problem with sugar — and what we can do about it.

Martin spoke with Good People, Cool Things about the inspiration behind Simply Delish, the company’s work with non-profits, and what still surprises him even after 35 years in the food industry.

What's the inspiration behind Simply Delish?

Since childhood in South Africa, I’ve been a curious foodie, leading to my career in the natural foods world for the last few decades. My love of travel and cuisine has given me a unique view of predicting food trends and an innovative way to create superior products with the best ingredients worldwide — always believing that everything falls into place when the customer is the focus. Because of my genuine love for good-tasting food, I want others to enjoy it as well, and that desire for everyone to enjoy great flavor led me to create Simply Delish, the world’s first-ever sugar-free, keto-certified, plant-based delicious decadent desserts. And it feels like we’re just getting started.

Simply Delish is not just a dessert. It’s a health movement, a life-changing product that allows anyone, even if you have dietary restrictions, to sit back and finally enjoy dessert without guilt and concern. People with allergies, diabetes, or celiac disease can’t enjoy a delicious dessert. They are missing out on a simple joy most of us take for granted. We supply problem-solution products that weren’t available before for everyone, and they are so darn delicious that they can be enjoyed every day.

There is so much delight in this job. We do it for every child who now can eat their chocolate pudding cup out of their lunchbox like everyone else, knowing it’s free from peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, wheat, dairy, egg, soy, fish, and gluten. Or for the 80 million Americans who suffer these issues. Simply Delish is a worldwide company, so we know our desserts are helping people around the globe.

Do you use a tool or technique that you think all chefs should use?

Simply Delish is this amazing product that chefs can use us to create sugar-free, gluten-free, and allergen-free desserts, frostings, toppings, cake filler, and more, without guilt. It is so simple, chefs just have to look to our Instagram for inspiration and recipe ideas created by our 600 Simply Delish influencers.

What food or recipe doesn't get enough credit?

Cupcakes using Simply Delish puddings or jels which allow all kids or adults with allergens to finally enjoy a delicious sugar-free, allergen-free, gluten-free treat.

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You've had 35 years in the natural food business — does anything still surprise you?

I think the one thing that continues to surprise me is the speed at which new ingredients are developed to allow all consumers to enjoy delicious foods no matter what allergens or diabetic issues they may have. I always try to stay ahead of the trends. In the next five years, we will see a greater awareness of the effects of sugar on the body. There will be a greater understanding of how foods interact with the gut. We will be moving toward getting back to the basics of food preparation.

Why is it important to partner with nonprofits?

My larger mission is to give back to the community. The Simply Delish brand has partnered with local non-profit organizations such as Child Hunger Sucks and It’s All About the Kids — nonprofits with the mission to feed millions of healthy meals to kids in need. We love being a part of it.

What's next for you?

We are striving to impact the vast “sugar problem.” The American Heart Association says the average American eats 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day  - and Americans, unfortunately, consume more sugar than any other country in the world. Sugar consumption has reached epidemic levels, and pretty much all experts agree that this sugar addiction is a massive contributor to disease. 

But sometimes you can have it both ways. The solution is an all-natural way to create food that people can delight in and know is healthy. In a world where sugar-free is often synonymous with artificial sweeteners made from chemicals, we needed to create delicious desserts with superior natural ingredients, which we did. At Simply Delish, our benchmark for success is the taste — we want people to enjoy desserts that are firstly delicious and then healthy. As we say, “Healthy never tasted so good.”

Simply Delish is committed to saving the Planet and has made great strides to change all our packing to use only recycled material. Additionally, we’re looking at selling puddings, jels and protein products in sachets to eliminate the outer retail box, which will save on packaging and reduce packing and shipping material.


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