Staying Fit While Working Remotely with Joanna Medin, Onthemuv
The coronavirus pandemic has been devastating for millions of people. One of the less publicized challenges? A much more sedentary workforce, as many of us get used to working remotely. As I’m typing this sentence, I’m shaking my head at how little I’ve moved today, and I’m sure you’ve experienced similar days, too.
Joanna Medin was feeling the same kind of way, but she took action to overcome it. She launched the Onthemuv miniTREAD — a mini treadmill uniquely engineered for remote workers. This device is something you can use while you’re sitting down, yet it still offers the same benefits as a traditional treadmill. Color me intrigued!
Good People, Cool Things chatted with Joanna about the inspiration and timeliness of her company, how to embrace wellness at home, some of her biggest challenges, and what the future holds for Onthemuv. Check it out below.
Onthemuv’s Joanna Medin
Why did you start Onthemuv?
Onthemuv was founded with the goal of addressing the growing sedentary nature of millions. My business partner, Patrick Netter, likes to say he came up with the idea because he was feeling too lazy one day to use his treadmill. His creativity kicked in with the concept of walking while seated, and the miniTREAD was born. I spent years working in NYC, with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, building consumer products and growing manufacturing teams. When I moved to Silicon Valley, I became involved in more intangible types of products and it was quite a change. When Patrick called me with his idea, I absolutely fell in love with the concept and, quite honestly, the opportunity to build a company around something I could see, feel, and touch.
I work from home and realize that although I am active and workout, I also sit in front of my computer for hours (and hours) every day, as do most of your readers. In the time of COVID, our sedentary activities have increased exponentially. I work with the miniTREAD at my feet. When I’m using it my calves, hamstrings, quads, and core are all engaged, and it helps me feel more energetic and focused. We want to support those working from home as well as their parents and grandparents.
As my mother aged, her exercise was going to physical therapy once or twice a week. Other than that, she sat while she read books, did puzzles, and watched TV. I live on the other side of the country and I didn’t see her regularly. When I visited, her physical deterioration was quite visible — she was losing strength and muscle tone and with that her motivation. My mom passed away and I often think that if she had one of the miniTREADS to boost her circulation and use to ‘walk while seated’ on a daily basis, it would have extended her ability to feel independent. I want others to have this opportunity. Our products are designed by boomers and we are immensely proud of this.
What's the best compliment someone's given you about Onthemuv?
The best compliment someone has given us about the Onthemuv miniTREAD is that it’s going to “change their life”. This was from a 92-year-old who was losing her strength daily and unable to walk. Because the miniTREAD has a remote with speed controls, people of all age and fitness levels can use it at a speed that is comfortable and safe. The other compliment was from a millennial financial manager who said that the miniTREAD was helping his focus. This was music to our ears!
What's something that has surprised you about running a business?
I’ve spent my career striving for operational agility and grew up in an entrepreneurial household. My spouse is also a serial entrepreneur. I watched my dad deal with the stress of running a business and have always respected his drive and ambition. When I was a kid, my dad used to pay me a nickel to help him with his books. Once, he asked me how much I thought he needed to earn to maintain the household and I added it up and gave him a number. He laughed and told me that’s why we always needed to work harder. That lesson stuck with me.
What has surprised me the most in moving from a COO to a CEO role is the recognition that although I need to work hard, I absolutely must maintain my own balance to be a good leader, mentor and participant. I need to calendar time for exercise and spiritual growth. It’s not just about taking on full responsibility for every decision, it’s building a team where I can comfortably turn over some of the day to day decisions and know that they are being managed in the best interest of the company. The biggest surprise? I still love it 24/7, even on the down days.
What other ways can people help maintain their balance, especially during COVID?
Maintaining balance is a huge issue with older adults and those who may be mobility limited. Strengthening the core and lower body is key. In many facilities this is measured with a simple exercise of taking a chair and counting how many times one can sit down and stand up in a given period of time. When balance is off, this exercise can be unsafe. Using the legs to stretch and “walk while seated” can help to build the strength we need to stand safely and with stability. Other exercises include placing one hand against a wall for stability, lifting one leg manually as if you are marching to strengthen the quads, or if the knees can bear the weight, hold the wall and try some gentle squats.
What's been one of the worst moments in your professional career?
There are quite a few experiences throughout my career that have stood out as ‘worst moments.’ One was in my twenties, when I was working on the east coast in sales and had NYC as my territory. I worked with the managers of big buildings and most of them treated me with respect. However, one did not. I had taken two prospective customers to an upscale restaurant to discuss their account. I drank my Perrier, and they drank their scotch. I began my pitch about why we were the best choice for their business and suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. I was then asked how badly I wanted the deal and advised that there was only one other woman in New York they dealt with and she played the ‘game.’ I was horrified. I remained composed and determined not to let them visibly see the humiliation and outrage I was feeling. I took his hand off my leg and clearly told them that I wanted their business, but I was NOT part of the deal. I lost the account. I learned several lessons that day. I learned what it felt like to be harassed and, most importantly, I learned that I had enough self-respect to walk away knowing I made the right decision.
What does the future look like for Onthemuv?
The future for Onthemuv is exciting! We are launching now, taking advantage of opportunities to partner with organizations such as the NFL Retired Players Congress and the California Council of the Blind. We’re expanding our press visibility and generating interest within numerous age groups. People recognize the importance of movement and getting in those recommended daily steps, and we feel Onthemuv is positioned for success not just during COVID but on an ongoing basis within the work from home, physical therapy/rehabilitation and the older adult communities.