#188: Listen to This While You Hiss Your Sibilants

Rachel Hanson is Editor-in-Chief of the digital magazine Sound Sorceresses, highlighting women who are doing incredible work in audio storytelling. There aren’t a ton of spaces out there in this realm, which needs to change, because there are a LOT of cool women in podcasting and audio storytelling.

We're talking about how Rachel got the idea for Sound Sorceresses, one of her favorite stories so far, and her foray into public office.

Highlights of our conversation

  • Where the idea for Sound Sorceresses came from and the peculiarities of languages. (2:52)

  • Why a career from higher education to audio storytelling makes sense. (8:48)

  • How Rachel finds stories and writers for Sound Sorceresses and one article that really stands out to her. (12:36)

  • The power of being confident in your work. (16:24)

  • What podcasting has taught Rachel about producing a magazine. (18:14)

  • Rachel’s wild history as an elected official. (21:38)

  • The top 3 Star Trek characters. (30:46)

Where to find Rachel Hanson

Sign up for Sound Sorceresses.


#189: Listen to This While Channeling Your Inner Child


#187: Listen to This When You’re Feeling Like an Underdog