#111: Karaoke Stories and Travel Tales with The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) Podcast

You step up to the mic, perhaps with weak knees or sweaty palms. Maybe you feel mom's spaghetti on your breath as you inhale deeply, ready to impress the world.

No, we haven't stumbled into the set of 8 Mile. Adam Wainwright and Ed Cunard are the hosts of The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) podcast, a show that takes karaoke exactly as seriously as it should be taken.

We're chatting about some of their favorite karaoke memories, the worst songs they've ever done, and tips to help you excel onstage or while giving any kind of public speaking performance.

Highlights of our conversation

  • The earliest memories Ed and Adam have of their karaoke adventures. (3:27)

  • The very first time Adam and Ed met, and the path that brought them to launching a successful podcast. (7:16)

  • Some of the silliest compliments we’ve gotten after karaoke performances and the most bizarre things that have happened while onstage. (9:10)

  • A few top tips for upping your karaoke performance. (12:29)

  • The worst karaoke performances Ed and Adam have ever done. (16:21)

  • A peek inside the karaoke social fraternity that Ed and Adam started, called No Shame Karaoke. (19:36)

  • The most interesting travel stories Adam and Ed have — and bonus, they both tie to karaoke! (23:38)

  • Ed has 11 pets. How does he keep track of all of them? (28:29)

  • The top underrated karaoke songs to do. Take some notes here! (29:55)

Where to find The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)

Learn more about Adam and Ed and check out The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) at sungpoorly.com.

Follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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#112: Incarcerated Life and Second Chances with Aaron Smith


#110: Fashion Sense and Empowering Underserved Communities with Tiffany Hamilton