#164: Gardening, Finding Joy, and The Life-Scape Method with Monique Allen

After many years of struggles, I've started to get back into the succulent game, I have a duck planter filled with fun lil' greenery. My personal favorite: lithops, which are also known as “living stones.” They look like little brains to me, but I also heard a shop owner refer to them as “pig’s noses,” so your mileage may vary.

While my green thumbs are slowly but steadily improving, this episode's guest has been gardening for virtually her whole life. Monique Allen realized there’s quite a bit of overlap between landscaping and growing a business, and after that light bulb went off, she started her career as The Lifescape Coach.

Today, she works with companies across the trades and helps them nourish their business far more competently than I nourish a garden. She created the Life-Scape Method to guide people toward improving their land, lives, and professional satisfaction. There’s a lot of cool stuff nature can bring us, and Monique is all about incorporating those good things into our daily lives.

We’re talking about how The Life-Scape Method has evolved over the years, how business owners can get rid of toxic employees, and why the “triple bottom line” is so important.

Highlights of our conversation

  • Monique’s best gardening tips for newbies. (2:52)

  • The creation of The Life-Scape Method and how it’s grown over the years. (6:59)

  • The process of writing a book with STOP Landscaping, START Life-scaping. (11:19)

  • What it’s like to work with folks in trade industries and how business owners can remove toxic people from their work environments. (14:19)

  • The worst part of speaking gigs and how Monique shifted her strategy to be more impactful. (20:43)

  • What “triple bottom line” means and why it’s important. (25:30)

  • Monique’s response to the question, “What lights you up?” (29:15)

  • Monique’s top three vehicle choices. (31:31)

Where to find Monique Allen

Visit The Lifescape Coach to learn more about Monique and get all of her great resources. 

Follow Monique on Instagram.


#165: Soothsayers, AI Tools, and the South Asian Experience with Reenita Hora


#163: Travel Writing and Journaling Prompts with Nomadic Matt