#91: Eating Food and Holiday Treats with Madeleine Cheyette and Catherine Wang of the Dished Podcast

It’s a podcast with podcasters! Madeleine Cheyette and Catherine Wang of the Dished podcast join the show to talk all things food. We’re diving into how cooking is an homage to both culture and creativity, what it takes to start a podcast, and some of the favorite guests Dished has had on the show—plus a scoop on a few episodes to come.

This episode also might have the most wholesome moment in the entire show, when Madeleine and Catherine share what they like best about each other. It’s a segment that will most certainly make you say “awww,” and I encourage you to reach out to someone you care about and tell them something nice. We’re making people’s days today!

Highlights of our conversation include:

  • How Madeleine and Catherine bonded over their shared love of food and why the COVID-19 pandemic was the impetus for the Dished podcast. (2:43)

  • The ways Catherine and Madeleine got into food, and particularly for Catherine, how cooking has served as a survival tactic, a way to embrace her family’s culture, and a burst of creativity. (4:50)

  • I share one of my favorite travel stories of getting banned from a restaurant in China. (7:42)

  • Catherine and Madeline offer their hot takes, giving their most unpopular opinions on foods they don’t like. (10:45)

  • A look inside the process for creating Dished, and how to start a podcast. (14:14)

  • Yes, there’s some troubleshooting with making a podcast. Plus a shoutout to Zencastr for recording options with remote guests—I also love me some Squadcast. (20:04)

  • The worst moments of podcasting the Dished women have had. (22:57)

  • What Catherine and Madeleine appreciate about each other as podcast hosts. (26:05)

  • The dream guests Dished hopes to interview but haven’t quite yet. (31:32)

  • Catherine and Madeleine share their top three holiday treats. (33:58)

Where to find the Dished Podcast:

Listen to the Dished podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Follow the podcast on Instagram.

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Also, I wrote a book! Grab your copy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Bookshop.


#92: Book Writing, Organization, and Cinnamon Rolls with Allyson Chapa


#90: Small Business Growth and Building Community with Amanda Brinkman and Baron Davis