#136: How to Get a Better Mortgage as an Artist with Alejandro Szita

Many artists, musicians, and other creative entrepreneurs want to own property. But because of the unique nature of their industries, they may not be paid as regularly as someone who has a 9-to-5. For example, an artist might get three lump sumps throughout the year instead of a steady paycheck. As a result, many artists and creatives struggle to get approved for a mortgage.

Alejandro Szita has worked all over the lending and real estate industries and has learned the ins and outs. Just as importantly, he understands the mindset behind banks that deal with these types of individuals. Alejandro works with artists and entrepreneurs to ensure they’re maximizing the likelihood of getting a mortgage — and how they can use it to earn even more money.

Highlights of our conversation

  • The winding journey Alejandro took to get into lending. (3:31)

  • The biggest challenges Alejandro has to overcome for his clients. (5:40)

  • Why credit score doesn’t always tell the full story and how banks view it. (11:50)

  • How you can use your mortgage to build up your savings. (20:30)

  • Why you shouldn’t get caught up in financial theories and should look at your specific situation. (28:16)

  • Alejandro’s top three financial books for entrepreneurs. (30:10)

Where to find Alejandro Szita

Connect with Alejandro by emailing info@prosperitylending.us.

Visit Prosperity Lending to learn more.

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